Pressure calibration and temperature measurement for custody transfer applications
The Fluke 721 and 721Ex Precision Pressure Calibrators with dual isolated pressure sensors are the ideal tool for gas custody transfer applications allowing you to take simultaneous static and differential pressure measurements with a single tool.
The 721 and 721Ex can be configured by selecting either a 16 PSI (1.1 bar) or 36 psi (2.48 bar) low pressure sensor then add any of 7 high pressure ranges including 100, 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 3000 or 5000 psi (6.9, 20, 24.5, 69, 103.4, 200, 345 bar).
Intrinsically Safe (721Ex version only) – IECEx and Atex Ex ia IIB T3 Gb (Zone 1)
Ideal for gas flow calibration (custody transfer) applications
Two isolated, stainless steel, pressure sensors with 0.025 % accuracy
Switch test on both pressure inputs
Pressure displayed in the user’s choice of 19 engineering units
Pt100 RTD input for temperature measurement, (probe optional)
Measures 4 to 20 mA signals
Internal 24 V loop power supply can power transmitter under test (721 models only)
Measure up to 30 V dc, check 24 V loop power upplies (721 models only)
Extend pressure measurement range with connection to one of 50 external 750 serie pressure modules from 0 to 1 inH20 to 10,00 psi (2.5 mBar to 690 bar) (721 models only)
Large backlit graphic display can display up to three inputs simultaneously
Store five instrument setups for recall and use